著者名 | Authors | 所属機関名 | 所属機関名(欧文) | |
1 | #宮崎/雄三 | Miyazaki/Yuzo | 東京大学大学院理学系研究科地球惑星物理学専攻 | Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, University of Tokyo |
2 | 北/和之 | Kita/Kazuyuki | 東京大学大学院理学系研究科地球惑星物理学専攻 | Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, University of Tokyo |
3 | 近藤/豊 | Kondo/Yutaka | 名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所 | Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University |
4 | 川上/修司 | Kawakami/Shuji | 宇宙開発事業団地球観測データ解析研究センター | Earth Observation Research Center, the National Space Development Agency of Japan |
5 | 小川/利紘 | Ogawa/Toshihiro | 宇宙開発事業団地球観測データ解析研究センター | Earth Observation Research Center, the National Space Development Agency of Japan |
6 | 町田/敏暢 | Machida/toshinobu | 国立環境研究所 | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
7 | 井上/元 | Inoue/Gen | 国立環境研究所 | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
Between April 17 and 24, 1998, five flights were carried out over the eastern Asian region.
The focus of the flights was to investigate the distribution of O3 and its precursor gases
in the upper troposphere. Throughout the measurements, the O3 and NOy mixing ratios
were strongly correlated positively each other, and high CO concentration of more than
200ppbv were frequently observed.
Aircraft measurement, Eastern Asia in the spring season, Tropospheric ozone, Ozone precursor gases,